7 best organization apps for international students in 2022

Are you a student and starting to realize that you don't have time for everything? Today may be a good day to start using one of the best organization apps for students.

To help you in that organization we are going to show you a series of apps through which you can better organize your time. A student should always organize his time well in order to achieve the expected results.

1- Exam Countdown

This is one of the applications recommended by the experts in university work at TusTrabajosUniversitarios. The same ones tell us that this app is free and can be installed without problems on any Android or iOS device. That means that almost everyone can access this app without any problems.

The app is very easy to use, thanks to the fact that its interface is really intuitive. It adapts very well to all kinds of people, although it is important to make it clear that it has been developed especially for students. With it you can write down the dates of exams, organize the hours of study, dedicate X hours a day to do the work ... And of course, it also has a section to enjoy leisure. All students have the right to enjoy the comfort of leisure to regain strength and return with more energy.

2- Blocos

It is an application that is giving very good results and is getting a good score in iOS and Android stores. The application bets on a different way when it comes to organizing time. In this case the organization of the day is done by 10-minute sections, that means that the day is divided into 144 blocks.

Taking this into account, we have to say that if we attend classes for 8 hours and then sleep for 8 hours, we have a total of 52 free blocks. These blocks are the ones that must be configured according to the needs of each person to be sure to get a good result.

Thanks to the fact that the calendar is divided into blocks of less than an hour, it is easier to plan the daily schedule more closely. To this we must add the option to create to-do list widgets, notes ... which makes this a very complete application. As it is free, you can try it, although we can assure you that it will surely adapt very well to what you need.

3- My Study Life

It is another application that has specialized in organizing the academic life of students. It adapts to all students, although the vast majority of users are university students. Like the previous options, the app is free.

Through this application you can organize class schedules, remember the tasks, put time to do the work, create notifications system ... It is an application that puts at our disposal a large number of options so you can get a lot out of it.

It is a way to get a personalized agenda without spending a single euro. In addition, it has the option to configure it to our liking to see the pending tasks more easily. For example, each item can be color-coded, making identification easier.

Another positive point of the application is that it has the option to save the information in the cloud. So you can consult the data from different devices and in case of loss you can continue to access the data without problems. Of course, if used from the same device, the information can be consulted without the need for an internet connection. Another practical tool that is gaining more and more followers.

4- Focus to do

In this case, the application divides the time into 25-minute periods. The purpose of this time division is to allow the student to enjoy a rest period every five minutes. The developers of the app are aware that the student must rest in order to recover strength and mental capacity, hence the automatic inclusion.

Of course, the application has a simple task management system. You only have to organize the agenda as the tasks are sent and then you will never forget anything. The organization is simple and you can make the changes you see fit so that the results are as expected at all times.

Once you start a task, a 25-minute counter is created. The time goes backwards and when the period ends the application alerts you. If you have done two cycles, then a five-minute cycle will be created for you to rest before returning to your tasks. It is a tool that for many students can be very useful, especially for those who adapt well to it.

One of the things we liked is that progress reports are provided. These reports can be weekly, monthly or yearly. An option to see the evolution to realize that we are really improving.

5- Trello

In this case we are talking about an application through which you can create and organize individual and group projects. To this we must add other features such as the option to create to-do lists or include files.

This is another interesting option when it comes to organizing schedules in a personalized way. You can even share with other students or teachers.

6- Microsoft One Note

We are talking about one of the most popular tools in the Microsoft package. It can be used to organize the day to day in a simple way.

It has a notepad through which you can take notes, although it can also be used to write down important things and thus avoid forgetting them due to an excess of information. In addition, registration is simple and you can access quality information, so many students and teachers often use it.

7- TickTick

It is a tool that allows you to create different lists. Thanks to these lists, tasks can be added. Those tasks can be daily or weekly, so the separation of tasks turns out to be very simple.

Of course, you can not only put academic tasks, you can also use it to write down other tasks such as going to work, going out to party, tidy the room... It has many options and includes the option to create priority tasks to avoid forgetting them.
