SDS: NexentaStor essentials

Based in Silicon Valley, Nexenta is best known for its NexentaStor storage operating system , derived from Sun's ZFS technology. The company was one of the actors who initiated the wave of software defined storage in the second half of the 2000s. In the era of closed storage bays, NexentaStor was indeed one of the first credible OS allowing transform a simple x86 server into a powerful storage array that can deliver both SAN and NAS services

Version 5.0 of NexentaStor appeared in August 2016. Like the previous version, it can be deployed directly on physical servers or as a virtual appliance.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho công nghệ 2020

If the core of the solution is unchanged - the system kernel still relies on Illumos, a fork of OpenSolaris and storage on OpenZFS , the open-source fork of ZFS technology created by Sun Microsystems and now controlled by Oracle - NexentaStor 5.0 brings important interface and integration improvements with VMware vSphere.

In addition to a modernized graphical interface, the storage solution now has a Rest API to automate its main functions. This Rest API can be driven by Nexenta Fusion, a centralized console that allows you to drive from a single screen of multiple NexentaStor appliances and also provides analytics to optimize storage management on a large scale.

Integration with vSphere, Docker and SMB 3.0 support

Integration with vSphere has received a lot of attention with the arrival of a new plug-in for VMware vCenter that integrates with the new vCenter web client. NexentaStor also provides support for VVOLs , which makes it possible to apply all the services of the storage OS with a granularity limited to the VM.

Other significant enhancements to NexentaStor 5 include the introduction of Microsoft SMB 3.0 protocolsupport, Docker support via a Docker volume driver, and support for OpenStack through integration with Cinder and Manila.

According to Nexenta, NexentaStor is charged starting at $ 0.25 per gigabyte, a price that includes both the license for NexentaStor 5 and for NexentaFusion 1.0.
