Four ways to extend the Windows 7 lifecycle

Some may think they have nothing to do to continue using Windows 7 for another year. But there is a big difference between continuing to use an operating system and keeping it running smoothly.

Even as Microsoft ended general Windows 7 support in January 2015, many organizations continue to use it, and will continue to do so. In parallel, Microsoft is trying to push companies to adopt Windows 10. The decision to extend the life cycle of Windows 7 may be related to application compatibility issues. Or at upgrade costs. Whatever the reason, Windows 7 remains viable for the business. As soon as certain measures are taken.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho công nghệ 2020
Install the latest service pack

Microsoft's official support policy is based on Windows 7 Service Pack 1. General support for this has been completed since February 2011, but extended support is available until July 14, 2020.

And if Microsoft has never produced Service Pack 2 for Windows 7, there is one unofficial: a compilation of several years of updates and patches. Organizations planning to extend the lifecycle of Windows 7 should download this compilation and inject it into their Windows 7 SP1 deployment image. What to reduce the management of patches and better secure terminals.
Evaluate the need for hardware upgrades

Another way to extend the Windows 7 lifecycle for at least another year is to check if some workstations need hardware upgrades. Microsoft launched Windows 7 in 2009. Although most organizations do not use older PCs at this point, some instances of Windows 7 may continue to run on older hardware.

And these do not provide the same performance as current hardware, and it may not be possible to run some applications. It is then a good idea to evaluate your inventory to determine if some users should not benefit from upgrading their hardware. Be careful however to make sure that the drivers for Windows 7 are available: some manufacturers do not provide them anymore.
Modernize the operating system

One of the best things to do to push the end of the Windows 7 lifecycle is to focus on keeping it up to date. Of course, there are fewer updates since general support is stopped. But Microsoft continues to provide security patches.

And if the publisher no longer provides functional enhancements for Windows 7, it remains possible to turn to third parties for certain software elements, starting with the web browser.
Review its security infrastructure

Finally, it is important to review your desktop security strategy. It's easy to overlook the issue of the availability of security software. Most organizations rely on third-party software, be it anti-virus or firewall, among others. But threats evolve and IT is periodically required to replace these tools with newer software. It should be checked that the specialized editors continue to support Windows 7 ... and if they have not already announced a schedule for stopping the support of this operating system.
