Companies in the jewelry and costume jewelry sector belong to a highly competitive market where creativity and quality are fundamental factors in achieving success in their management.

If you have a business or company in the jewelry and costume jewelry sector, you are interested in studying the possibility of incorporating a business management system to optimize sales, purchasing and warehouse processes, among others.

Here are some points to consider in your choice of ERP.

Features of a good management software for Jewelry and Costume Jewelry

Obviously there are factors that are always important to take into account when choosing a business management system, such as price and quality of support. However, given the variety of business types in this sector (retail stores, design companies, manufacturing companies, etc.) it is important to assess the flexibility of the ERP and the possibilities of adapting to future changes in the market and in the company itself.

In the case of OnERP we have solutions for all this range of companies:

Production company. With OnERP you can manage production scandals, raw material control, work reports, warehouse management, replenishment, etc.

Retail and wholesale businesses. With OnERP you will have a solution with advanced features for sales and purchase management, inventory, POS...

OnERP also allows you to connect your Prestashop online store to your ERP. This will synchronize orders, customers, products, prices, etc., thus reducing workloads.

Essential features of an ERP for Jewelry and Costume Jewelry Companies

An ERP that must meet the requirements of jewelry and costume jewelry companies must have features that solve or facilitate the specific needs of this sector. Some of them are listed below:

Jewelry and Materials Inventory Management. An ERP must allow a precise control of the stocks of jewelry, precious metals and other materials used in the manufacture of jewelry. This element is essential to ensure smooth production and avoid stock-outs. In addition, the type of products handled by this sector are mostly products with a high cost price, which are usually used with very small weights in their productions. In addition, it is essential to manage shrinkage stocks.

Cost price and sales price management. The ERP must allow detailed tracking of the various expenses incurred during the production of the products, including labor, materials and overhead. Generally, the manufacture of these products may require the existence of production schedules that define processes, products and tasks in their manufacture. With all this information, the management system will be able to calculate or, at least, guide selling prices.

Quality and Manufacturing Control. In a sector such as jewelry and costume jewelry, in which beauty, design and quality are fundamental factors, the ERP must allow controls on the quality of the products, traceability of the materials used, etc.

Order and Sales Management. An ERP must streamline order taking, invoicing and returns management.

CRM. A CRM module in the ERP can help keep track of customer interactions and preferences.

Purchasing and Supplier Management: Supplier management and evaluation is a vital point since this type of business relies heavily on material supplies and product cost prices.

Advantages of using an ERP

The implementation of an ERP in jewelry and costume jewelry companies offers the possibility of introducing improvements in the management of processes and providing a competitive advantage in its market. Some of them are generic advantages for any company, regardless of the market in which it operates. Among them, the following stand out:
  • More efficient operations. A configured business management system allows automating manual processes (which reduces human errors) and improving efficiency in inventories, production and sales processes.
  • Real-time data visibility.
  • Accurate inventory control, automatic production costing.
  • Quality management. This type of company usually needs high quality standards and to be able to demonstrate that it meets them. An ERP helps enormously in the implementation of quality control systems.
Common Problems in ERP Implementation

Although ERP implementation offers many advantages, it is not without its pitfalls. Some of the common problems that occur during the implementation of an ERP in jewelry companies include:
  • Initial Costs. The initial investment in software, hardware and consulting services can be significant.
  • Resistance to change: Employees may resist change, especially if they are accustomed to previous manual processes.
  • Complex customization. Tailoring an ERP to a company's specific needs can be complicated. In this regard, excessive customization can lead to long-term maintenance and upgrade problems.
  • Integration with existing IT systems.

In short, an ERP is an essential tool for jewelry companies looking to improve their operational efficiency in a highly competitive environment, optimize inventory management and keep up with market trends.
