The 8 most powerful database applications on the market

There are database applications on the market that make it easier for companies to adopt a data-driven approach. Thanks to these tools, 93% of executives admit that the difficulty in data management is not in the technological areas, but in the organizational culture, according to the 2019 Big Data and AI Executive Survey conducted by NewVantage Partners.

This picture provides insight into the great strides that technology application providers have made in terms of database management.

What are database applications?

Database applications are software solutions that perform one or more specialized data management functions.

In other words, these tools are in charge of: storing, searching, sorting, categorizing, querying, processing, modeling, calculating or performing any other necessary function in a database.

What are the most powerful database applications on the market?

Managing a database is a complex process that requires dozens of specific activities. To accomplish each of these activities, new technological solutions are being designed every day.

Therefore, there are hundreds of applications on the market, each of them with different features in order to fulfill different functions than the others.

The 8 most powerful database applications on the market, with no relevance in order, are:


SAP S/4HANA Cloud is an application developed by the German firm SAP. This tool is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with cloud deployment capabilities whose data management functions allow, among others:
  • Consolidate data from multiple areas into a single source.
  • Manage the lifecycle of historical and current data
  • Real-time data sharing between departments
  • Define and manage data analytics metrics
  • Model complex data for easy visualization
Oracle Autonomous Database

Oracle Autonomous Database is an innovative Oracle Cloud tool that allows you to create a fully autonomous database. That is, with self-management, self-protection and self-healing capabilities.

Some of its advantages are:
  • Allows you to deploy the database 100% in minutes.
  • Immediate resource scalability.
  • It has an automatic learning system to replace manual management.
  • Provides autonomy in the processing and storage of data.
Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB is a solution provided by Microsoft Azure for multi-model databases. Its main function is the development of global, fast and powerful applications, whose availability is 99.999%.

Among its features are:
  • NoSQL, SQL, JavaScript and MongoDB compatible multi-model API.
  • Well-defined consistency options: secure, limited obsolescence, consistent prefix, session and possible.
  • Global distribution with high availability and low latency.
  • Elastic and immediate scalability to avoid performance losses.
IBM Hybrid Data Management Platform

IBM Hybrid Data Management Platform is an IBM Cloud-consolidated suite for managing structured and unstructured data in on-premises environments and in public and private clouds.

This product is so complete and robust that it includes within itself seven previously individualized IBM Cloud Db2 applications, which are:
  • Database
  • Warehouse
  • Big SQL
  • Event Store
  • Hosted
  • Db2 on Cloud
  • Warehouse on Cloud
Amazon Relational Database Service

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is an Amazon Web Services service for configuring, managing and scaling a relational database in a cloud environment. This service offers scalability, automation and provisioning in the use of resources.

RDS is comprised of the six most powerful database engines that can be accessed through Amazon Web Services, which are:
  • Amazon Aurora
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Oracle Database
  • SQL Server
Google Cloud Datalab

Cloud Datalab is a Google Cloud tool for advanced data exploration. It is based on Jupyter and allows you to easily examine, analyze, transform and visualize data.

Cloud Datalab is open source and supports Python, SQL and JavaScript, as well as the scikit-learn library and deep machine learning models.

This solution optimizes data processing by integrating with:
  • Cloud BigQuery
  • Stackdriver Monitoring
  • Cloud Machine Learning Engine
  • Cloud Storage
Tableau Server

Tableau Server is one of Tableau Software's flagship products for the analysis, governance and control of complex data. It was ranked by Gartner as one of the most important data management solutions on the market.

Some of its advantages are:
  • Allows data (and its analysis) to be shared across the entire organization.
  • Simplifies visualization methods by making them very intuitive.
  • Facilitates query capability through natural language queries
  • Provides security for all data sources, both on premise and in the cloud.
SAS Data Management

SAS Data Management is a powerful suite created by SAS that encompasses multiple database management functions. Its structure is modular so that each component can be controlled individually, although its entire configuration is designed to meet both technological and business needs.

Among the benefits it provides are:
  • Acceleration of integration processes by more than 60%.
  • Database cleansing based on data quality.
  • Preparation of data for analysis and subsequent report creation.
  • Optimization of ETL (extract - transform - load) processes.
  • Process management via a role-based GUI
Most of these tools offer cloud-based management capabilities. In fact, Statista research reveals that 69% of organizations perform data storage and backup activities in the cloud, and 56% access the cloud for data analysis functions.

Today, database applications go hand in hand with cloud adoption in order to optimize process performance and reduce costs.

For this reason, businesses looking for scalability and power should rely on specialized solutions in both databases and cloud computing such as those offered by Mediacloud.
